Use this split time calculator to quickly get an idea of your expectations for running, depending on what time you are aiming for. The marathon distance is 42195m (26.2miles) and the half marathon distance is 21097 meters (13.1miles). You can get the split times below for the marathon or the half marathon, regardless of what time you are aiming for. This is really useful!
Don’t forget that for a race in England, like the London Marathon, or in the United States, like the New York City Marathon, distances can be in miles (1609m). With the tool below you can calculate your running times every 1609m.
Calculate your split times for marathon and other races
This split time calculator works for marathon, half marathon, 20km, 10km or other runs.
Do we need to keep a steady pace when running?
Not necessarily! It depends on each runner's habits and strategies. The negative strategy split can be very interesting in long distance runs, such as the marathon. The second part of the run is completed faster than the first.
You can test what works best for you. Even though the split time is a useful tool, it is nothing compared to the feeling on the D-day!
Sometimes the signs presented by the organization can have a few dozen meters of inaccuracy, the same goes for your GPS watch. Remember that GPS accuracy is often 1% or 10 meters per kilometer. If you are more or less than 5 seconds off the indicated running pace, you are probably on pace!
At the start of big marathons, like the New York City Marathon, your watch sometimes takes a while to find the right pace. In fact, there are many GPS signals from other runners at the start. Also, the large buildings can interfere with the reception of your watch's GPS signal. Therefore, your watch may indicate that you have run more than the planned 42.185 km.
Keep an eye on your timing at least at the first km1, km5, km10 and half marathon and look at your watch when you pass these signs.
How do you train at these split times?
Most training programs include sessions at the rhythm of your run. This is what we call the training sessions with specific pace. For example, the marathon sessions with specific pace are based on the rhythm you plan for your marathon.
If you are running a marathon, ideally choose a personalised training plan to best prepare yourself.
Ideally, training should provide a progression between your current level and your goal time. For this reason, the pace of the RunMotion Coach training program has this progressivity.
In the app, the paces are calculated automatically. All you have to do is let it guide you! I wish you a good preparation for your next goals 😉
Here is a table with the main target times for a marathon in 2h30, 3h00, 3h40, 4h00, 4h30 or 5h00. For each time given, use the calculator at the beginning of this article to find your marathon pace.
Table of split times in marathon: 42.195km
Find your split times on marathon (metric system) with your marathon expected time, then every 5km and your passage on half marathon. We hope it will be useful and accompany you on the way to your personal record!
Split times marathon 2h30 | Split times marathon 3h00 | Split times marathon 3h30 | Split times marathon 4h00 | Split times marathon 4h30 | Split times marathon 5h00 | |
Average pace | 16,88km/h | 14,07km/h | 12,06km/h | 10,55km/h | 9.,8km/h | 8,44km/h |
Marathon pace | 3‘33/km | 4‘15/km | 4‘58/km | 5‘41/km | 6‘23/km | 7‘06/km |
1km | 0h03:33 | 0h04:15 | 0h04:58 | 0h05:41 | 0h06:23 | 0h07:06 |
5km | 0h17:46 | 0h21:19 | 0h24:53 | 0h28:26 | 0h31:59 | 0h35:32 |
10km | 0h35:32 | 0h42:39 | 0h49:46 | 0h56:52 | 1h03:59 | 1h11:05 |
15km | 0h53:19 | 1h03:59 | 1h14:39 | 1h25:19 | 1h35:58 | 1h46:38 |
20km | 1h11:05 | 1h25:19 | 1h39:32 | 1h53:45 | 2h07:58 | 2h22:11 |
Half marathon | 1h15:00 | 1h30:00 | 1h45:00 | 2h00:00 | 2h15:00 | 2h30:00 |
25km | 1h28:52 | 1h46:38 | 2h04:25 | 2h22:11 | 2h39:58 | 2h57:44 |
30km | 1h46:38 | 2h07:58 | 2h29:18 | 2h50:38 | 3h11:57 | 3h33:17 |
35km | 2h04:25 | 2h29:18 | 2h54:11 | 3h19:04 | 3h43:57 | 4h08:50 |
40km | 2h22:11 | 2h50:38 | 3h19:04 | 3h47:30 | 4h15:57 | 4h44:23 |
42.195km | 2h30:00 | 3h00:00 | 3h30:00 | 4h00:00 | 4h30:00 | 5h00:00 |