Have you been running for some time now and want to prepare for a marathon? You’re in the right place! Discover in this article a training plan to run your marathon in 3h30!
Prerequisites for a 3h30 Marathon
Running a marathon in 3h30 is a demanding goal that requires certain prerequisites. It’s not enough to just follow a training plan; you also need a good basic physical condition, running experience, and a sufficient level of maximum aerobic speed (MAS).
Basic Physical Condition
To run a marathon in 3h30, you need to be able to run at least 1h30 continuously without difficulty and without pain. This implies having good endurance, which is the ability to maintain moderate effort over a long period.
Fundamental endurance develops by doing long runs at a pace between 65% and 75% of the maximum heart rate (MHR). The MHR is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. For example, for a 40-year-old person, the MHR is 180 beats per minute (bpm), so fundamental endurance is between 117 and 135 bpm.
Running Experience
To aim for a 3h30 marathon, you also need to have some running experience, especially on shorter distances. It’s recommended to have run at least 2 or 3 half-marathons to get familiar with effort management, nutrition, hydration, and recovery.
A time equal to or less than 1h40 on a half-marathon is also advised, which corresponds to a pace of 7.9 mph (12.7 km/h) or 7:35 min/mile (4’43 min/km). This proves you have the speed necessary to maintain a pace of 7.5 mph (12 km/h) or 8:03 min/mile (5 min/km) on a marathon.
It’s important to know that it’s recommended to run a maximum of 3 marathons per year to avoid injuries, allow for optimal recovery, and maintain a high-performance level.
Nutrition and Hydration: Marathon goal 3:30
Nutrition and hydration are key factors in successfully running a marathon. They influence your energy, recovery, and performance.
Here are some rules to follow:
- Gradually increase your carbohydrate intake during the 3 weeks leading up to the marathon to fill your glycogen stores. Aim for about 7 to 10 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight per day, choosing sources with a low or moderate glycemic index, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits, bread, etc.
- Hydrate regularly throughout the day by drinking water, tea, herbal teas, fruit juices, or energy drinks. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and sodas, which have a diuretic and dehydrating effect.
- The day before the marathon, have a meal rich in carbohydrates but not too heavy or fatty to avoid digestive issues. For example, you can eat pasta with tomato sauce, chicken, a green salad, yogurt, and applesauce. Drink plenty of water, but not too much to avoid diluting electrolytes.
- The morning of the marathon, have a light and easy-to-digest breakfast about 3 hours before the start. For example, you can eat bread with honey, a banana, orange juice, and coffee. Drink a little water, but not too much to avoid the need to urinate during the race.
- During the marathon, drink regularly at aid stations, about 150 to 200 ml every 5 km, to compensate for fluid loss. Alternate between water and energy drinks, which provide carbohydrates and electrolytes. Also take energy gels or bars, about 30 to 60 g of carbohydrates per hour, to maintain your blood sugar and delay exhaustion.
12-Week & 8-Week Marathon Training Plans
If you meet the prerequisites to aim for a 3h30 marathon and are motivated to achieve your goals, it’s time to discover a sample training plan. We offer a program of 4 sessions per week over 8 weeks and a program of 3 sessions per week over 12 weeks.
These plans include MAS sessions, fundamental endurance, and long runs.
3h30 Marathon Training Plan: 8 Weeks, 4 Sessions

3h30 Marathon Training Plan: 12 Weeks, 3 Sessions

Your 3h30 Marathon Training Plan with the RunMotion Coach App!
Preparing for a 3h30 marathon is a very demanding challenge, requiring patience and determination.
Instead of offering you a PDF or fixed training plan, we recommend using the RunMotion app! It allows you to have a training plan for your marathon, personalized according to your availability and level. Enjoy expert advice and discover specific modules (including strength training) for a complete marathon preparation!
We wish you good luck with your 3h30 marathon preparation and hope to see you soon for the preparation of a 3h15 marathon 😉
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