After running the 42km format of the Marathon du Mont-Blanc, Yannick takes on the Ultra: the 90km Marathon du Mont-Blanc. For RunMotion Coach, Yannick reflects on this race. Warning: emotions ahead…
How did your 90km Marathon du Mont-Blanc go?
It was a magical race, a course as tough as it is beautiful. Last year, I had the chance to run the 42km of Mont-Blanc and thought I would never be able to finish its elder sibling. This winter, the registrations opened. I tried my luck, even though I was convinced I wouldn’t be drawn. Then, the confirmation email arrived: I was accepted. Fear overwhelmed me.
In the end, I completed the race in 23 hours and 20 minutes with a lot of pride because it’s a race that I had always dreamed of. The sensations were excellent, except for the climb to the Emosson dam (suffering from the heat) and the ascent to Montenvers (vomiting, nausea, and dizziness), but in the end, I didn’t give up. I’m proud of myself!
How did you manage the preparation for the 90km Marathon du Mont-Blanc?
I started preparing for the 90km Mont-Blanc in mid-April with 4 running sessions and 2 strength training sessions. I focused heavily on general physical preparation (GPP), especially through the excellent video module from RunMotion Coach.
A little anecdote: this race scared me so much that I went to Chamonix two weekends in a row to familiarize myself with the course (Yannick lives in Moselle, editor’s note).
What motivates you to run?
My motivation is to surpass myself and see how far I can go. I love training and being in nature. I’m a former smoker, sedentary, and now an ultra-trailer! It shows that anything is possible…
How did you discover the RunMotion Coach app?
I discovered the RunMotion Coach app when I signed up for the Marathon du Mont-Blanc last year. I also heard about it on podcasts!
What encouraged you to download and try the app?
I found out about the RunMotion Coach app during the registration for the 90km of the Marathon du Mont-Blanc last year. I also heard about it on podcasts.
I subscribed to finally have a structured training plan and no longer have to think about what kind of session I could do.
What do you prefer about the app?
In the app, I love the simplicity and the ability to sync with my watch. I also appreciate being able to move sessions in case of schedule changes, and especially the ability to plan ahead since we can see the program over four weeks. The GPP videos are really easy to follow, and I’ve noticed better efficiency during the endless climbs of the 90km Marathon du Mont-Blanc race.
After the 90km of the Marathon du Mont-Blanc, what is your next sports challenge?
After the 90km of the Marathon du Mont-Blanc, my next goal will be the SaintéLyon at the end of the year. I can’t wait to be there!

Well done, Yannick! You can be proud of yourself!