Ten years ago, Xuâne started running. He set himself the ultimate goal: to participate in the Paris Marathon and break the 3-hour barrier. A few years later, here he is in the City of Light to run the Paris Marathon. He tells us about his incredible race!
How did your Paris Marathon go?
In terms of performance, it was spot on! I finished in 2h58’48, feeling great until the 28th kilometer, then I ran in control because I had a bit of a lead. At the 38th kilometer, I was really on the edge with a few seconds ahead and a decreasing pace, but mentally I managed to finish strong!
My initial motivation was to reach a level that was just unthinkable for me a few years ago…
I ran my first marathon over 10 years ago in more than 4h50. I never stress about races, I tell myself that if I did the work during training, there’s no reason for things to go wrong on race day. Unless there’s an uncontrollable event, I always get the job done!
How did you manage your Paris Marathon preparation?
I started my Paris Marathon preparation at the end of December after my last trail of the season. I hadn’t planned to do any road races in the first 6 months of the year, and then an invitation came up, so I went for it!
In terms of training, it was 6 to 7 sessions per week designed by Coach Philippe (the “authoritative” coach on RunMotion). In addition to running sessions, I did 3 strength training sessions and 4 electrostimulation sessions. I didn’t have any major injuries during my preparation and I didn’t participate in any preparatory races for the Paris Marathon.
Road running hasn’t been my thing for a few years, and getting injured on a trail before Paris would have been a shame.
I didn’t really have any moments of doubt during the preparation. You could almost call it an ideal preparation, which isn’t always the case, but I really felt better and better as the weeks went by, getting pumped up for Paris. The only moment of doubt, I would say, was the week before departure when I heard about a possible cancellation…
What motivates you to run?
Since I started running, I always have a race in mind that gets me up almost every morning to start my day with a workout. Once the goal is set, I have only one obsession: to do the scheduled session as well as possible. Every training session is a small step towards the success of my goal.
Paradoxically, I quickly switch to the rest of my day before starting again the next day. Also, for the past few years, apart from the time goal on the road or finishing a trail, one of my priorities is to prepare well in order to finish races in a “good condition.”
I don’t want to walk like a crab for 15 days after a race like I did at the beginning. I want to be able to run again the next day if possible, and often now I can! If I manage to do that + achieve the desired sports result, then it’s a total success.
How did you discover the RunMotion Coach app?
I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the exact day I discovered the app, but what I do know is that when I had the opportunity to become an ambassador for an app that I was already using daily and that was giving me complete satisfaction, I didn’t hesitate for a moment…
What encouraged you to download and try the app?
Before, I used another app whose Marathon programs ended at 3h30, so I looked for another app to continue to progress and downloaded several before finally choosing RunMotion Coach.
What do you like most about the app?
I’m not sure what I like about the app, but I do like the app (laughs)!
As someone who usually trains early in the morning, I need a virtual coach who can get up at 5-6 am to follow me. In that role, the app is perfect.
What is your next sporting challenge?
First of all, I’ll go back to local trails because I miss it! Then a small intermediate goal is to beat my 10km road record from almost 5 years ago. After the Paris Marathon, my second big goal of the year will be to do as many laps around the lake at the UTLM Backyard as possible. I’m thinking of setting a goal of at least 150km, or more if my body allows it.

Thank you for sharing your story, we wish you all the best Xuâne!