10km, Half-marathon and Marathon Performance Predictor

We invite you to estimate your future performance over 10km, half-marathon and the full marathon with our Performance predictor !

Based on your past race results, it is possible to predict your future performance over another distance.

The 2 main factors in running performance are Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) and endurance. MAS can also be estimated from your training data. Whilst endurance is only determined by racing results.

The performance prediction model developed at the CNRS/MIT [1], in which Guillaume ADAM, co-founder of RunMotion Coach took part, has been validated with the results of thousands of runners. Guillaume finished as the top French athlete at the 2019 New York City Marathon (2:26).

performance prediction

How does performance prediction work?

Enter at least one of your previous race performances.

If you enter 2 races, your endurance will be calculated. Otherwise, estimate your endurance level between bad, medium or good.

You will receive by e-mail a detailed report with your MAS, your endurance, your performance prediction for 5km, 10km, 20km, half marathon, full marathon and advice on areas to prioritise in your training.

Race A

Race Distance
Race Time
h min s

Race B

Race Distance
Race Time
h min
Evaluation of your endurance

Receive my performance predictions, my MAS and my endurance

I agree to receive by email my personalised report and RunMotion Coach’s monthly newsletters

[1] Mulligan M, Adam G, Emig T (2018) A minimal power model for human running performance. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206645. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206645
This calculator uses a part of the performance prediction model that is applied to races from 800m to marathon.