Jacky started running after he quit playing football. Jacky made his marathon debut in 2019 at the Lyon Marathon in 3h15. Then in 2021 at the Paris Marathon in 3h04. And he just went under 3 hours at the Valencia Marathon!
How did your Valencia Marathon goal go?
My Valencia Marathon goal went smoothly! I’m going to tell you an anecdote. The day before the race, I had a lot of stress due to transportation. Then, the day was very long… I was awake from 2am to 11:30pm. Fortunately, I didn’t feel any difficulty! Perfect pacing from the 1st to the 35th km (4.05/4.12) then a progressive acceleration to finish at 3.45. My final time is 2h56’48! I beat my record by 8 minutes compared to the Paris Marathon in October 2021 where I had done 3h04.
How did you manage the preparation for the Valencia Marathon?
I have been preparing for the race for 3 and a half months with 6 training sessions per week. During my preparation for the Valencia Marathon, I had a tough week of fatigue (baby/work/training load). I also did two half marathons in my preparation for the Valencia marathon. The Lyon half marathon that I finished within the desired time. The second half was more complicated as I unfortunately hit the wall (due to a build-up of fatigue).
What motivates you to run?
My goal is to achieve objectives while having maximum fun!
How did you hear about the RunMotion Coach application?
Thanks to communication on social networks, it’s already my 2nd prep with the app!
What encouraged you to download and test the application?
The advice, monitoring, and tips provided by RunMotion Coach.
What do you like best in the application?
The advice and the videos!
What is your next sports challenge?
For 2023, it will be short distances! We’ll see for 2024… Why not have a ticket for the Paris Olympics with the marathon for all!
Congratulations Jacky, you can be proud of yourself! Have a good recovery!